How to Draw Animal Ears – Bunny, Dog, Wolf, Cat, Elephant,

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We all love drawing different things and if you want to draw different types of animal ears then we are here to give you a perfect guide for it. So, let us begin the tutorial without any further delay this will help you in drawing easily.

How to Draw Animal Ears

Draw Bunny Ears

Drawing a bunny ear is not very difficult you can simply draw them by following the below steps.

Step 1: First of all you have to draw a loop like structure then inside it create another curved line giving a finishing to the one ear of the bunny.

Step 2: Now, we are going to draw another ear of a bunny for this you have to draw another loop at the right side of the previous one which should be slightly curved.

Draw Animal Ears

Step 3: Next, you have to join both ears with a small horizontal line and at last to complete the finishing you can shade the ears for making them more beautiful in appearance.

Draw Dog Ears

Ears of dog are very simple and easy to draw, below we are providing you the tips to draw dog ears in a more simple way.

  1. To draw the perfect ears with accurate measurements, at first you need to draw a normal circle for the face of Dog.
  2. Now, first, we will draw the right ear of the dog. For this at first draw a normal triangle considering the circumference as the base of the triangle. After this from one side create a curveHow to Draw Animal Ears
    3. Afterward, we are going to draw the left ear of the dog. You need to draw a similar curved triangle for making another year of the dog. You can also shade the ears.

Draw Wolf Ears

There is nothing very much different in the wolf ear and dog-ear, they are almost similar. For this, you just have to draw two different triangles which should not be conical, keep them small. After this, you have to connect both of these triangles with a small slightly bend line. Now, you have completed your wolf ears.

How to Draw Cat Ears

Cat ears and wolf ears are almost the same, the cat ears are smaller in size so you should draw two simple small triangles at a slight distance. Next, we are going to make small curves in the straight lines of the triangle as shown below in the image. Next, make the hairy appearance of the ears by using shading method. Complete the finishing of cat years by shading at bottom or base of the year.

Draw Cat Ears

Way To Draw Elephant Ears

Elephants are the biggest animal on Earth, if you are wishing to draw elephant ears then make them as simple as you can for better finishing. Make a C like elongated structure for both the ears at left and right side. After that draw another vertical line starting from up to down. Next to complete the ear diagram join them with the horizontal line as shown in the below image.

Draw Elephant Ears

So, by doing this you will finish the diagram of all animal ears very easily without any complication.

Animal ears may look difficult to draw, but they certainly are the easiest part of an animal’s body. If you have any other issue regarding the topic, you can comment to use, we will be happy to help. Also, do not forget to share with your friends, as sharing is in fact caring!!

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