How to Draw a Hammer Drawing

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As simple as it may seem, there are several steps to learn how to draw a hammer properly.

After going through this tutorial, you will be able to draw just about any style hammer you would possibly want to.

  1. First you have to draw a small little square in 3D.

How to Draw a Hammer Drawing 2

  1. Now, we will draw another part of the hammer and its handle as shown.

How to Draw a Hammer Drawing 3

  1. Then, draw the outline of the hammer head.

How to Draw a Hammer Drawing 4

  1. Add some more detail to the hammer head and enhance the hammer handle.

How to Draw a Hammer Drawing 5

  1. Remove rough sketches and enhance the handle.

How to Draw a Hammer Drawing 6

  1. Complete the drawing by adding the necessary finishing touch.

How to Draw a Hammer Drawing 7

I hope that we made this easy for you and if you are interested in any of our other drawing “how to” articles, we have added some popular ones here.

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