How To Draw Clouds – Step To Step Guide

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There are many ways to make drawing of clouds, you can draw them using a pen, pencil, colored pencils, crayons, water colors and more.  Drawing a few clouds may seem like an easy task, and it is actually very easy. Yet, it could be a little tricky for some people who are beginners at art, for them, the best tip could be that they must pay attention to the subtle details in the image that they want to draw. Suppose you are trying to make a sky full of clouds, you must first look at a picture of the real sky or look at the sky itself. This will give you a hint on what you are going to make.

The next important thing while learning How to Draw Clouds is to know what color are you going to use in the drawing. As the drawing of cloud is a simple white on blue drawing, we suggest that you use either water colors or pencil colors, whatever suits you best. Pencil color drawing allow you to shade, you can create eye-catching clouds on paper.

Draw Clouds With Colored Pencils

How To Draw Clouds With Colored Pencils

You can also make drawing clouds with pen, or a marker, but you can be more imaginative and have less chances of making a mess when you use pencil colors. Now no more boring skies!! fill them with lovely clouds.

In this art lesson you will learn how you can transform your boring blue sky into a scenery by learning how you can make clouds. Remember to shade your clouds, as without shading your clouds will look flat and boring.

Step 1.
Start your sketch by making grid lines for your clouds, the size you want them to be and how many of clouds you want is described here in this part. Make them flat at bottom and lumpy on the top. You can also experiment with the overlapping and size of the clouds,

drawing of clouds

Step 2.
Use a darker shade of pencil and clean the outlines of the clouds so that the final image could start forming. Try to make as much lumps as possible to add variety to your cloud’s edges.

how to draw cirrus clouds

Step 3.
Now as the basic cloud shape is visible, you can start shading inside them. Use you pencil in such a way that the lines match the shape and air moment of the intended atmosphere.

Step 4.
Now you have some pretty nice looking clouds, you can convert into a landscape, you can add a Sun and some birds to complete the picture.

 Ways to draw clouds easy

Here you go, you have a picture of well-drawn clouds that will definitely catch everyones eyes. Among the various Ways to draw clouds easy you must chose one that suits your need accurately. If you are a canvas-painter and want to make pencil color drawing on canvas, well that will not do the trick right?Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.

Hopefully you like this tutorial on way to draw clouds easily and perfectly. Do not forget to comment and share the post with your friends.

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1 thought on “How To Draw Clouds – Step To Step Guide”

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