How To Unclog Toilet When Nothing Works

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It’s the middle of the night, and you have to use the bathroom. You go into your bathroom only to find that your toilet is clogged. What do you do? If you don’t know how to unclog toilet, it can be a real hassle.

We will discuss eleven simple techniques to unclog a toilet. But before we get into the topic, let’s discuss why the bathroom gets clogged.

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Why The Toilet Keeps Clogging?

There can be several reasons why the toilet keeps clogging. It could be that too much paper was flushed down at once, or something was stuck in the drain pipe. In some cases, tree roots can grow into the sewer lines and cause a blockage. 

A sustainable bathroom adds to the features of a quality house and you should pay special attention to the wellness of your bathroom. 

How To Unclog Toilet? 8 Proven Techniques

Now that you know the primary reasons that cause a clog let’s discuss the eight techniques for unclogging toilets.

how to unclog toilet

1. Use a Toilet Plunger

The first and most common way to unclog a toilet is by using a plunger. Plungers are designed to push the water down the drain and loosen the clog.

Fill the toilet bowl with enough water to cover the plunger’s cup to use the plunger. Place the plunger over the drain hole and push and pull the plunger up and down.

If the clog is not dislodged, you can use a wet/dry vacuum cleaner.

2. Use a Plumbing Snake

If a plunger does not work, you can try using a plumbing snake. A plumbing snake is a long, flexible piece of metal inserted into the drain to loosen the clog.

To use a plumbing snake, insert the tip of the snake into the drain and push it down until you feel resistance. Once you hit the clog, twist the snake back and forth to break it up.

If the snake does not work, you can try using a hacksaw blade.

Warning: Be careful when using a plumbing snake. Do not force it into the drain if it quickly goes in. You could damage your pipes.

3. Use a Suction Cup

If you cannot reach the clog with a plunger or snake, you can try using a suction cup. A suction cup is a small device that has a vacuum-like seal. It can be attached to the bottom of the toilet bowl and lift the clog out of the drain.

To use a suction cup, place it over the drain hole and push down until it forms a seal. Then, pull up the suction cup to remove the clog.

Warning: Do not use a metal suction cup as it could damage your toilet bowl.

4. Use a Wire Hanger

If you do not have a plunger, snake, or suction cup, you can try using a wire hanger. A wire hanger is a long piece of metal that can be bent into various shapes. It can be used to reach the clog and break it up.

To use a wire hanger, straighten it out and shape it into a hook. Insert the hook into the drain and try to snag the clog. Once you have it, twist the hanger to break it up.

Warning: Be careful when using a wire hanger to damage your pipes.

5. Use a Coat Hanger

If you do not have a wire hanger, you can use a coat hanger. A coat hanger is a thin piece of metal that can be bent into various shapes. It can be used to reach the clog and break it up.

To use a coat hanger, straighten it out and shape it into a hook. Insert the hook into the drain and try to snag the clog. Once you have it, twist the coat hanger to break it up.

Warning: Be careful when using a coat hanger to damage your pipes.

6. Use an Enzymatic Product

If you cannot reach the clog with a plunger, snake, suction cup, wire hanger, or coat hanger, you can try using an enzymatic product. Enzymatic products are designed to break down organic materials. They can be used to dissolve the clog.

To use an enzymatic product, pour it into the toilet bowl and sit for 30 minutes. Then, flush the toilet.

You can also use this product to unclog any type of drain.

Warning: Do not use an enzymatic product if you have a septic tank, as it could damage your system.

7. Mix Soap With Hotwater & Use it

If you have a grease clog, you can try mixing soap with hot water and using it to break up the clog. The hot water will melt the grease, and the soap will help to break it up. You can also use the mixture to clean the mirrors of your bathroom. 

To use this method, pour a pot of boiling water into the toilet bowl and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, add a few drops of dish soap and flush the toilet.

Warning: Do not use this method if you have a septic tank, as it could damage your system.

8. Use a Plumbing Snake

Suppose you cannot reach the clog with a plunger, snake, suction cup, wire hanger, coat hanger, enzymatic product, or a combination of baking soda and vinegar. In that case, you can try using a plumbing snake with a chemical additive. A plumbing snake with a chemical additive is designed to break down organic materials.

To use a plumbing snake with a chemical additive, pour it into the toilet bowl and sit for 30 minutes. Then, flush the toilet. This will also remove all the water bugs present. 

Warning: Do not use a plumbing snake with a chemical additive if you have a septic tank, as it could damage your system.


If you have tried all of these methods and the clog is still not removed, you may need to call a professional plumber. A plumber can use special tools to remove the clog.

If none of these methods work, it’s time to call in a professional. Plumbers have special tools that can remove even the most stubborn clogs. Don’t try to fix this one yourself – call in the experts!

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