How to Make Wood in Little Alchemy? Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you enjoying Little Alchemy? Our family loves this simple yet creative game of mixing and combining elements. Once you combine the elements, new ones will be formed. However, a few things can be pretty complex to create in Little Alchemy, including Wood. 

But nothing is impossible if you know the right way to chase, paying complete attention. So here we have come up with all the steps to help you create wood from the ground level. 

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Make Wood in Little Alchemy: Learn From Scratch

  • Air + Water = Rain
  • Rain + Earth = Plant
  • Earth + Water = Mud
  • Mud + Plant = Swamp
  • Fire + Air = Energy
  • Energy + Swamp = Life
  • Life + Earth = Human
  • Fire + Earth = Lava
  • Lava + Air = Stone
  • Stone + Air = Sand
  • Sand + Fire = Glass
  • Glass + Sand = Time
  • Stone + Fire = Metal
  • Metal + Human = Tool
  • Time + Plant = Tree
  • Tree + Time = Wood.

At first, we will learn to make “Tool,” followed by “Tree,” and then “Wood.”

Making of TOOL in Little Alchemy

Making of TOOL in Little Alchemy

Let’s assume that you are already playing the game!

Step 1: Go to the Elements panel and choose “HUMAN.”

Step 2: Bring it on the playing board by dragging.

Step 3: Again, go to the Elements panel and pick “METAL.” Then, drag and place it on the “HUMAN” on the playing board.

Here you go! TOOL is successfully created. 

Now, it’s time to learn to make TREE in this exciting game.

Also Read:- How to Make Coal in Little Alchemy?

Ways to Make TREE in Little Alchemy

Ways to Make TREE in Little Alchemy

Step 1: Go to the Elements panel and choose “PLANT”

Step 2: Bring it on the playing board

Step 3: Again, going to the Elements panel, select “TIME”

Step 4: Drag and put it on the “PLANT” that you already dropped in step 2 on the playing board.

Congrats! You have created TREE successfully. 

Finally, we are only a few steps away from making WOOD in Little Alchemy.

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How to Make WOOD in Little Alchemy?

How to Make WOOD in Little Alchemy?

Let’s assume you are already playing the game.

Step 1: Go to the Elements panel and choose “TOOL”

Step 2: Bring it on the playing board

Step 3: Now, you have to choose “TREE” in the Elements panel. Then, drag and place it on the “TOOL” that is already on the playing board in step 2.

And it’s done! You now know how to make WOOD successfully in Little Alchemy. 

However, by combining several elements, you can make WOOD in Little Alchemy. Let’s take a look!

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8 Hints on Making WOOD in Little Alchemy

8 Hints on Making WOOD in Little Alchemy

If you attentively think of the possible ways to make wood from a tree, you will understand the necessary combinations. Well, let’s find them out below! These alchemy hints are simply fun to try out.

Hint 1: Forest + Axe

You will need an ax to cut the tree in the forest and get wood. The combination is simple. 

Hint 2: Tree + Axe

You will also require an ax to cut the tree branches to get wood like the above one.

Hint 3: Forest + Chainsaw

Woodworkers nowadays use chainsaws for ripping trees to get wood. Thus, it’s likely to return with wood if you carry a chainsaw to the forest. 

Hint 4: Tree + Chainsaw

The same logic applies here too. You will need a chainsaw to cut trees for wood.

Hint 5: Forest + Lumberjack

Lumberjack is referred to those who cut wood and process them in North American culture. Thus, it’s sensible to think of this combination to make wood in Little Alchemy.

Hint 6: Forest + Tool

You can use metal tools to cut wood in the forest. Thus, it’s a valuable combination.

Hint 7: Tree + Tool

A tool will be required to cut branches of trees.

Hint 8: Tree + Sword

Although it’s not popular these days, you can use a sword to cut trees into pieces of wood. It’s time taking, but ultimately, it will serve your purpose.