How To Show Love And Respect To Your Parents

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Why Is It Important To Respect Your Parents?

Major Reasons to Love and Respect Your Parents

God themselves cannot reside on this planet. Thus, they created parents. So parents are the mirror of God in the world we breathe. In many religious texts, it is said that we should worship parents and treat them as our Lord. 

Just think, most of the things that you wish to God are fulfilled by your parents. You are breathing because of them. So always respect your parents. 

It’s your responsibility to respect them. Your parents have and will sacrifice a lot for your happiness and well-being. So, without a mention, you need to honor them, listen to them, and respect them. Your respect is the reminiscence of your gratitude towards them for their hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. 

In some instances, you may feel that your parents can’t understand you and they are intervening in the way of your happiness. But do not rebel against them! Remember that they love you wholeheartedly, and all they want is your happiness and the best for you.

If we write ‘why it is important to respect your parents,’ a couple of pages might not be enough. However, we have jotted down some of the major reasons to love and respect your parents in this article to get you a quick view.

So keep on reading!

  • They are/will always be with you in every situation

Whether you’re mistaken or right, your parents will always be beside you. They will listen to you with all ears and give sound advice. 

  • The older, the wiser

Your parents had seen through more of this world before you were born. So over the years, they have encountered many ups and downs and eventually assembled a wealth of experience. And it would be best if you never underestimated them as people learn from experiences.

  • They have made many mistakes

How can they give valuable advice on nearly everything? Why does it seem that they know everything? 

This is likely because they have been once in that situation, faced the obstructions, felt the agony, fought hard, and finally, everything came up roses. 

  • They know you better than anyone else

Let’s remove ‘anyone else’ in the statement. The truth is that your parents know you better than you know about yourself. 

They can see and understand the things loaded in you that you cannot see, but it tells about you.

  • Parents are generally right

You may deny admitting this fact, but 99% of the time, what your parents say is true and right. Sometimes, it might be a hard truth for you. It can be not very pleasant. But keep in mind that they love you a lot, so what they say or suggest is for your good. If you follow it, you will be benefitted.

  • They always pray for your happiness and healthy life

If you watch attentively, you will find that your parents don’t give much importance to their happiness or health. Instead, they pray and want their child to stay happy and healthy forever. 

When this is their aim, whatever they do or suggest is intended to propel you towards that successful, happy and healthy life.

  • They sacrificed many things to raise you

Parents invest time, love, patience, effort, and money in raising their children. What you are today, is because of them – ideally, their tons of sacrifices made during your growth and progress. 

  • They are proud of you

Your first drawing might still be hanging on one of the walls of their room. And then, you see the picture of winning a trophy on a quiz and the one in a golden frame showcasing you holding your bachelorette degree. Your parents probably look at them at least once a day, cleaning off any dust it holds. 

If not on the face, they smile in their hearts, congratulating you on all your achievements in your life and wishing you more success in the future. They are proud of you. 

Please respect them!

  • They won’t be there with you forever.

You should always keep them happy, making the most of every second you spend with them. But, like anything else, don’t take your parents for granted too much! Remember that they won’t be here with you forever. 

So it is worth repeating that make sure always to love and respect your parents. Be thankful to them all the time. And try not to miss any chance to say that you love them. At least give a hug to express it! All parents deserve it.


There are never enough reasons to not respect and love your parents, they will always be at your side and love you no matter what. Consider yourself lucky to have parents who care for you and help you at every step of your life.

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