How To Write Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

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So your employee just resigned? Bummer!! Write him or her a Resignation Acceptance Letter to acknowledge that you approve their request for leaving the job, unless otherwise. To help you out, you will find various samples of letters, which you can use to write a letter of acceptance for your employees.

Employee Resignation Acceptance Letter

What is the letter of resignation acceptance?

A piece of paper, which has handwritten/printed acknowledgment of approval of a resignation request by an employee, is resignation acceptance letter. It usually contains the boss’s words for their employees, telling him that the request for resignation is approved. It might contain some negotiations if the company feels that the employee is valuable for the company.

Sample Resignation Acceptance Letter

How To Write Resignation Acceptance Letter Template 1

What must a resignation acceptance letter contain?

  • It must contain the date and date on which the letter is being written
  • The employee’s name, job profile, history at the company, number of years the employee has been working with the company
  • Any negotiating terms that might interest the employee. This is included when the company feels that the employee is valuable for the company and the company cannot afford to lose such an employee
  • The conditions on which the resignation must be approved
  • Last date, day, and month of the work. This might be taken as a notice period that the employee has decided.
  • Signature and details of the approver.

This way, you can easily create a great quality of the letter that will improve your letter writing skills too.

Resignation Acceptance Letter Format

Now let’s see the format of the letter.

Your Name
City, State Zip Code


Employee Name
City, State Zip Code

Dear Firstname,

>>>>> Here write about how the request of resignation from their position (include position name) has been accepted, and what date it is effective from.

>>>>> Write about the company’s policy regarding the resignation, and how the employee can implement them.

>>>>> Praise their work, and how your company was at benefit from their work

>>>>> Conclude with best wishes and offer to write a letter of reference for future jobs.

Ending note,

Handwritten Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Signature

Resignation Acceptance Letter Example

As the boss or the manager, then you might have to write this one too many times. That means that you would have been tired of thinking of new and variety of writing styles that might make the letter look good, and sound better. To help you with this, we have assembled a variety of letter samples that will show you how to write a good letter of resignation acceptance.

Forget the old style template letters that every company uses, and make your letter unique and memorable. Samples are provided to help you out in the process. Let’s take a look at a sample.

Resignation Acceptance Letter

How To Write Resignation Acceptance Letter Template 1

I have also included Resignation Acceptance Letter Pdf for every sample, so if you think that an example is best suited for your case, then you can download the pdf and edit it according to your need.

Resignation Acceptance Letter With Immediate Effect

Writing a resignation is never an easy task. It takes a lot of courage to take a chance at a different working environment. There are many things that go inside an employees mind when he or she is going through the process of a job change. “What if I don’t like the new job like I do my present one”, is the major concern of workers in every field. They are trying their best to improve their lifestyle, by either getting a promotion or getting better pay, whatever comes first. When the opportunity comes knocking at their door, they grab it, with second thoughts, but they do.

So, when one of your employees come to you with a resignation letter, it is your duty to support them for their future. Go by the company’s policy regarding the resignation process, and write them an acceptance letter.

Resignation acknowledgement Letter sample

How To Write Resignation Acceptance Letter Template 1

For the new bosses and those who want to get new ideas for the letter, a number of  Resignation Acceptance Letter Sample are provided. Download them, Edit them, and Print them. Easy!!

Resignation Acceptance Letter From Manager

Why these acceptance letters are necessary?

These letters from the managers are important because it informs the employee that the application of resignation that they submitted, has been approved. This not only avoids any confusion but also makes it easy for the employee to understand the terms better. This makes communication better, and the written terms could convey the company policy better.

Resignation Acceptance Letter With Immediate Effect

How To Write Resignation Acceptance Letter Template 1

Points to remember while writing the letter – 

  • Use appropriate language. It is a business formal letter, so it requires the same tone.
  • The letter must not sound rude or arrogant. The employee is leaving on their own term, so you need not be rude to him.
  • You can thank the employee through this letter, writing a simple thank you note never hurts.
  • Motivating the employee for their better future and wishing them the best of everything could also be included in the letter.
  • If you want to offer him a better reason to stay, you could do so, but a private meeting for such things seems appropriate.

Acceptance Of Resignation Letter With Short Notice

The practice of giving notice before leaving the job is mandatory in almost all companies. The resignation letter must include how long the notice period will last. However, some say that it is not always necessary for the employee to give a two-week notice, even though it is practiced almost everywhere. The employee can quit the same day or stay for a short period of days after he or she submits the resignation. If the employee wants, they can quit on the same day without notice, it is all up to them.

Resignation Acceptance Letter Pdf

How To Write Resignation Acceptance Letter Template 1

Employers can ask the employee to stay on longer or ask them to quit on the same day. Regardless, the acknowledgment in written form must be delivered to the resigning employee, in order to ensure the employee identifies the last day of their work.

To write the letter of acknowledgment for the resignation with short notice, you can follow some crucial steps – 

  1. Provide a clear and short approval of the resignation, and accept the employee’s decision of resigning.
  2. Advise, make familiar, the employee with the requirements or formalities that need to be accomplished before the last day.
  3. Maintain formality. If you have a personal relationship with that employee, keep them for a personal meeting.
  4. Wish for the best future, and make sure you commend the employee for the achievements they have attained in their tenure. on Acceptance Mail

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that these samples are for personal use only. If you want to use these for your website, you can do so if you mention us in the article.


Although it could be difficult for employers to bid goodbye to their employees, but making the transition smoother is always a good idea. It maintains the best relationships, and in future contacts. Whatever the reasons your employee gave for taking the resignation, it is always appropriate to explain to them the guidelines and write them an acceptance letter for their resignation.

If you have any questions regarding the topic, please write to us in the comment section. I would personally like to reply to your questions.

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