Have you ever just wanted to give up on your purpose to Apply For A Job? After countless job postings, and countless of resume submissions, a person tends to lose hope and give up thinking that there might be a chance that they are not good enough. But, what if I told you that you can bag that dream job of yours by just tweaking your method of the job application a little? It’s pretty good news, ain’t it? In this article, I am going to share some amazing tips for you so that you can bring your job application game up and get your job fast.
Best Way To Apply For A Job
Many applications sent to any company go down the shredder without even being looked at. Do you know why? The reasons that the HR shreds down the resumes without looking at them could be any of the following
- The resume is not visually appealing
- The Cover letter is missing
- They use an applicant tracking system, which couldn’t find the right keywords in your resume
- Your method of applying was not correct
- Your qualification and experience are not up to the mark
- The position was already filled
Every company has a different application sorting scheme and has different requirements. When you apply online for any job, you must have noticed that the job posting has all the requirements written in a format which sometimes do not make a sense. It is because they scan every resume for those specific keywords.
This is called the Applicant Tracking System, and it is used to filter out any non-eligible applicant without having to go through every single application manually. That is why you must take a good look at the postings for the jobs that you want to apply to and then create your resume according to that. Use correct keywords and mention all your skills separately.
So, this was how you make your job application stand out on the online portal. But how do you make it stand out in front of real people? By giving it enough thought and time. You might not be a creative person, but you can look at some samples of job application letter to take a look at how others create their resumes to stand out in the flock of applicants.
When you have submitted the application on any job posting on online job portals like LinkedIn, Monster, etc. you get called by the company if they liked your application. They review certain points that help you get more score than other applicants. While they have their own review method, you have to provide them something to show that you are qualified enough for the job and are interested in the company.
How To Apply For A Job
Let’s start with getting to know the market better. How you can search for the job, what are different platforms from which you hunt for a job, and how to get your application letter for a job vacancy ready.
Apply For A Job Online
Searching for the job
There are many ways through which you can find a job. You can look for one in the newspapers, through an acquaintance, from an online job website, or someone might just hand you a leaflet telling you “Hiring”. Whatever the source is, you must know what you are looking for. Which profile suits your qualifications, and which company you must apply for.
If you are just starting the hunt, start with any job search website. Build your resume and upload it in your profile. The website might ask you to fill all the details from the resume in your profile again. It might be tiring, but it will give you better exposure. Use correct keywords, relevant to your profession. Research a bit on what companies are looking for and how they put it up on their sites. If you are looking for a social media manager post, then you must use the correct designation instead of writing “I can handle your social accounts”
If you have a company that you want to work already in mind, then you might go and check out their website for information about vacancies. Most companies do provide the application process on their websites too. You just need to upload your well-built CV and write a few words on why you want to work in their company and why are you the right choice.
Job searching? Check.
Next comes – Doing research on the company.
Research Company Before Interview
You must know everything about the company that you have applied for, including any news about them going bankrupt. If you find any such news, you might not want to apply for the job. Look at their website, search them on social media, and Google them to know what the company is all about. This will also help you to get to know the company before you even join them. You might also end up finding someone who works there and is a friend of yours or a friend of a friend. The might refer you and add to your chances of getting that job.
This brings us to the next part of the application process, and that would be looking for references.
Reference Letter For A Job
How To Get A Reference Letter
While looking for references, you must not forget to call a few of your friends and relatives and ask them if they know someone at the said company. Because if they do, that might help you a good deal. When someone already working at the company, and preferably at a good position, HR takes it as a good sign and prefers you better. If you can’t find someone in a known area, then you might want to head to websites like LinkedIn and search for the employees or ex-employees of that company. Send them a few emails, chat with them, and make good relations. Now select a handful of people who you are confident about, and ask them to refer you in the company.
You must also ask for references from your current employer or colleagues, their words count the most as you have already worked with them and they know about your work ethics.
References? Check. Company Research? Check.
How To Write Job Application Letter
As I already mentioned, the way you describe yourself puts a lot of weight on your application. Create a good resume, attach it with the materials required for the job application, and add a good cover letter. Your Job Portfolio must be taken seriously so that your potential employers can take your application seriously.
I am mentioning some good points for you to keep in mind while you create your resume
- Resume must be in a digital-friendly format.
- It should be eye-catching. You can use templates for that.
- As the resume is digital, you can use hyperlinks that lead to examples of your past work, or a presentation that you made
- It should be compatible with the ATS system that I mentioned before.
- Point out the skills that will add value to the organization
- Incorporate the keywords matching to the job posting 2-3 times throughout your resume.
- Add a beautifully designed cover letter too, include “why I am fit for the job”
Resume? Check.
Now what? Submitting? YES!!
How To Submit Job Application
After you have gone through research, building, and more research, it is time to submit the application. When you were looking through the job posting you must have noticed the submitting procedure on those specific jobs. Some give their direct email addresses, some provide their office address to manually drop your CV (or walk-in for interview), and for some, you have to apply on the website itself.
Take a not on which method suits the company best and work on it.
If you have to send an email to the employer, you must frame a good email and attach your CV to it. If you will just write “Here is my CV and Cover letter attached” you might get rejected. Instead, work on the content of the email, share a thing or two about why you want to work for them, and how you are suitable for the job. And then attach the CV and cover letter. It would surely get them to open that resume of yours. If you are still not sure to learn how to apply for a job through email.
Submission of the application? Check.
Follow Up Email After Application
Follow up and Reapply for the same job
It has been a whole week, and you haven’t heard from them yet? Send them a follow-up email. Be polite, and inform them that you had sent so-and-so email and would like to know the next steps. If they haven’t replied yet, and after a month you see the same job posting on their website again, you must reapply. But make sure you revamp your CV and groom yourself up to make sure they don’t reject your application this time too.
If you get the job, don’t forget to write a thank you letter for getting the job.
I suppose this was more than enough of what I could share with you. Whatever your job profile could be, if you work a little on improving your skills and also the showcasing part, you would be able to get the job of your dream in the company that you want.
What is your dream job and what are you going to do to get it? Share in the comment section!!