How to Connect With Your Interviewer Over Email

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Job interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences. However, personal interviews aren’t the only chance to make an impression. Even navigating emails can be just as confusing. You may be thinking, ‘How do I introduce myself?’ or ‘When is it polite to follow up?’ Ultimately, every message can help your chances of getting hired, so it’s important to be as thoughtful as possible.

If you’re wondering how to connect with your interviewer over email, here are some tips.

Introducing yourself

Whether you’re emailing a recruiter via a referral or initiating a cold call, always strive to leave a good impression. Don’t be a stranger; start your message with how you got their contact information. Then, detail what role you’re applying for and the skills that make you eligible for the position. Of course, don’t forget to provide proof of your credentials like a resume or portfolio.

Asking follow-up questions

So, you’ve managed to get the recruiter to say yes to an interview. That’s great! But if you’re unsure about anything to do with the interview process, whether it’s the location of their office or other details, don’t be shy to email your recruiter about it. Just remember to list everything that you want to ask in one email. Never spam their inboxes by sending multiple emails. Forbes even encourage follow-up questions, as it’s best to go into an interview as prepared as possible.

Rescheduling an interview

Let’s say you have an emergency or are feeling ill and suddenly can’t go to your interview. What do you say then? First, start with an apology and state your reasons. To avoid the hassle of sending emails back-and-forth, Business 2 Community states that you should suggest a couple of dates that you’re free to meet on. Most recruiters understand that unexpected situations pop up all the time. But they expect you to be proactive in informing them about it. Unless it’s for an urgent hire, they will most likely be more than willing to reschedule.

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Sending your regards

Taking the time to send a quick thank you email is one of the most important things you can do to create a lasting impact on your interviewer. At the very least, this lets them know that you’re definitely interested. Keep the email short and sweet—simply thank them for their time and note that you’re open to any other questions they might have. Additionally, Comeet emphasizes the importance of ending your thank you email with a proper signature. Having your LinkedIn, portfolio, or website listed at the very end can make it easier for hiring managers to reference your content before making their decision. All in all, just because the interview is done doesn’t mean the appraisal is, too.


If you haven’t heard from the interviewer in at least a week, feel free to send a follow-up email, as we’ve previously outlined in our ‘Step by Step Guide on How to Apply for a Job’ post. Be straightforward about your intentions—tell them that you’re following up on the status of your application. Remember to detail what role you’re applying for and reaffirm your interest in the position. There’s nothing wrong with asking for an update. In fact, Huffpost details that it takes longer sometimes because the hiring process isn’t done, or there may be other internal delays in the company. You’ll never know unless you ask.

Recruiters read hundreds of emails every day, so it’s important to send messages that are informative and straight to the point. They need to contain everything that you want to say—from your intentions down to your contact details. It’ll be tricky, but if you do it right, then you’ll land that job sooner than you think.

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